Mansi Mallika

Akashic Record Reading

Akashic Record reading is perfect helpful if

  1. you are looking to explore through the Soul Contracts you have with any person . 

2. to resolve karmic debts , ancestral debts 

3.  understand your soul mission in current birth 

4. want to connect with your spirit guides , ancestors in light and also ascendant masters . 

5. understand and move forward from traumas and past lifetime traumas and traits of your soul deeds , thoughts and emotions unhealthy for you . 

6. Akashic records are highly recommended if you want to manifest desires and wish fulfillment aligned to your higher self soul mission 

7. uselful in connecting with your soul tribe. actions , intenion , thoughts and deeds that can help you in the journey of soul . 

8. Helpful in ancestral healing throguh akashic healing . 

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